What is Cyber Security?

What is Cyber Security?

Cyber security is the practice of defending computers, servers, mobile devices, electronic systems, networks, and data from malicious attacks. It's also known as information technology security or electronic information security. The term applies in a variety of contexts, from business to mobile computing, and can be divided into a few common categories.


Categories of Cybersecurity:

  • Network security: The practice of securing a computer network from intruders, whether targeted attackers or opportunistic malware.
  • Application security: Focuses on keeping software and devices free of threats.
  • Information security: Protects the integrity and privacy of data, both in storage and in transit.
  • Operational security: Includes processes and decisions for handling and protecting data assets.
  • Disaster recovery and business continuity: Define how an organization responds to a cyber-security incident or any other event that causes the loss of operations or data.
  • End-user education: Addresses the most unpredictable cyber-security factor - people.

The Scale of the Cyber Threat:

The global cyber threat continues to evolve rapidly, with an increasing number of data breaches each year. A report by RiskBased Security in 2019 revealed a staggering 7.9 billion exposed records through data breaches in the first nine months of that year alone. This represented a 112% increase compared to the same period in 2018.

Cybercriminals target various sectors, including medical services, retailers, and public entities. Financial and medical data make these sectors particularly appealing, but all organizations that use networks can be vulnerable to customer data breaches, corporate espionage, or customer attacks.

As the cyber threat escalates, global spending on cybersecurity solutions is on the rise. It is projected that by 2023, cybersecurity spending will reach $188.3 billion and surpass $260 billion globally by 2026, according to Gartner. Governments worldwide are responding to this threat by providing guidance to help organizations implement effective cybersecurity practices.

For instance, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in the United States has developed a cybersecurity framework, emphasizing continuous, real-time monitoring of electronic resources to combat the proliferation of malicious code. The UK government's National Cyber Security Centre offers guidance on cybersecurity through its "10 steps to cyber security," while The Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) regularly publishes advice on countering the latest cyber threats.

Types of Cyber Threats:

The threats countered by cyber-security are three-fold:

    1. Cybercrime: Includes single actors or groups targeting systems for financial gain or to cause disruption.
    2. Cyber-attack: Involves politically motivated information gathering.
    3. Cyberterrorism: Intended to undermine electronic systems to cause panic or fear.

Malicious actors employ various methods to gain control of computer systems and threaten cybersecurity. Here are some common techniques:

End-User Protection:

End-user protection, also known as endpoint security, plays a critical role in ensuring robust cyber security. It focuses on safeguarding individuals who may inadvertently introduce malware or other cyber threats to their devices.

To protect end users and systems, cyber security measures employ various strategies. Cryptographic protocols are utilized to encrypt emails, files, and sensitive data, both during transmission and storage. This provides a strong defense against unauthorized access or data theft.

Moreover, end-user security software plays a crucial role in detecting and eliminating malicious code. It scans computers to identify harmful elements, isolates them in quarantine, and removes them from the system. These security programs are designed to identify and eradicate hidden malware in the primary boot record, and they can also encrypt or wipe data from the computer's hard drive.

In the realm of real-time malware detection, electronic security protocols employ heuristic and behavioral analysis techniques. By monitoring program behavior and code execution, these systems can defend against polymorphic and metamorphic malwareviruses or Trojans that constantly change their characteristics. Security programs may even isolate potentially malicious programs within a virtual environment to analyze their behavior and improve the detection of new infections.

As the cyber threat landscape evolves, security programs continually develop new defenses in response to emerging threats. Cybersecurity professionals constantly identify and address new vulnerabilities, enabling these programs to stay one step ahead. However, to fully leverage the benefits of end-user security software, it is essential to educate employees on its proper use. Regularly updating and maintaining the software ensures protection against the latest cyber threats.

At KNJ Technology, we understand the significance of end-user protection in maintaining a secure digital environment. Our expertise in cyber security allows us to implement robust measures, educate users, and keep your systems protected against evolving threats. Trust KNJ Technology to safeguard your organization's digital assets and provide peace of mind.

Cyber Safety Tips - Protect Yourself Against Cyberattacks:

    1. Update your software and operating system regularly.
    2. Use anti-virus software and keep it updated.
    3. Use strong passwords and avoid easily guessable ones.
    4. Do not open email attachments from unknown senders.
    5. Do not click on links in emails from unknown senders or unfamiliar websites.
    6. Avoid using unsecure WiFi networks in public places.

How KNJ Technology Can Help:

At KNJ Technology, we specialize in providing advanced cyber security solutions to protect your digital assets. Our team of experts can assist you in implementing robust security measures, conducting vulnerability assessments, and developing effective incident response plans.

With our cutting-edge technologies and industry-leading practices, we can help safeguard your systems, networks, and sensitive data from cyber threats. Trust KNJ Technology to enhance your cyber security posture and ensure peace of mind for your organization.

If you have any inquiries or would like to discuss your cyber security needs, please feel free to contact us. Our team is ready to assist you.